Mira Kurkiala - Artist

Lär dig flödande måleri med akrylfärg

Nu kan du köpa min alldeles första onlinekurs i flödande akrylmåleri!

Efter kursen kommer du att:

- Använda dig av nya tekniker och metoder i ditt måleri

- Ha större kännedom om vilka material du vill jobba med och vilka egenskaper dom har

- Måla mer på känsla

- Veta hur du målar prestationslöst och flödande med akrylfärg och vatten

- Känna dig inspirerad till att våga experimentera mer i ditt måleri

- Skapa något utifrån dig själv som känns betydelsefullt

Köp kursen här!

Se kursen helt i din egen takt och börja måla redan i sommar!

Jag kommer visa dig steg för steg hur jag målar TRE tavlor på TRE olika underlag med olika tekniker. Du kommer få experimentera, våga testa nya sätt att skapa på utifrån ditt egna uttryck.

Läs mer om kursen här!

New collection Spring songs

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The collection includes five paintings with accompanying limited edition art prints.

Art print will be released Sunday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m
Limited edition of 30 pieces of each motif
Stamped, signed and numbered

Originals can be bought during my exhibition at Sjungaregården in Granö 15 June - 28 June.
Those that are not sold during the exhibition period are posted on the website at the end of June.

  • The wind

    Painted on linen with earth pigment, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, gold powder and acrylic pencils.

  • Forest longing

    Painted on cotton canvas with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • The wild

    Painted on linen with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • Forest symbiosis

    Painted on cotton canvas with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • Sickle of the new moon

    Painted on linen with earth pigment, acrylic, oil pastel, gold powder, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • Earth pigments

    Pigments used are:
    Ocher stone from Borgafjäll, red stone found by the Umeälven, brick, lime, gray stone from Nordmaling, ash, coal and green soil and yellow okra from the Netherlands.

About the collection

All paintings take their starting point in spring. Rushing streams, the evening light, birdsong, vegetation and life.

The paintings are inspired from places that appealed to me a little extra, but also more subtle patterns and shapes in nature that I am hooked on.

Stones have been picked and broken down into a thin pigment powder that has been given new life in the paintings. I have also used coal and ash that I collected from various places we visited during the winter. Most paintings also contain elements of hand-printed leaves and twigs that I have picked around Västerbotten.

See the entire collection

Paintings of natural pigments

I pick stones, earth, clay, charcoal and ash to create my own pigments for my paintings.

I work the stones with hammer, mortar and sieve the powder until it is fine enough to use as pigment for paint. I then add a binder and the millions of old stones are given new life as color in my art.

See paintings here!

"Earth pigments are not lifeless rocks. They are constantly circulating, they are mysterious metamorphic agents of art made by complex ecologies, biomes, volcanoes, extinct creatures, fault lines, sea-floors, swamps, deserts, fertile soils, and dead people and their living waste." - Heidi Gustafson

My art depicts nature in both the big and the small; as in natural structures shaped by the seas, the colors of the sky and vast landscapes.

"My hope is that the viewer of my art will feel safe and calm, almost like a kind of healing power"

I take customer orders

Do you want to order a painting based on your own wishes? Do not hesitate to call!


Contact me
  • Follow me on Instagram to take part in upcoming projects, exhibitions, markets, painting tips etc.

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