Mira Kurkiala - Artist

Nya konsttryck släpps 5e Maj 19.00!

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Ny kollektion Vårens sånger

Kollektionen inkluderar fem stycken målningar med tillhörande konsttryck i begränsad upplaga.

Konsttryck släpps söndag den 5e maj kl 19.00
Begränsad upplaga på 30 stycken av vardera motiv
Stämplade, signerade och numrerade

Original går att köpa under min utställning på Sjungaregården i Granö 15 juni - 28 juni.
De som inte blir sålda under utställningsperioden läggs ut på hemsidan slutet på juni.

  • Vinden

    Målad på linneduk med jordpigment, akryl, oljepastell, kol, guldpulver och akrylpennor.

  • Skogslängtan

    Målad på bomullsduk med jordpigment, akryl, oljepastell, kol, akrylpennor.

  • Det vilda

    Målad på linneduk med jordpigment, akryl, oljepastell, kol, akrylpennor.

  • Skogssymbios

    Målad på bomullsduk med jordpigment, akryl, oljepastell, kol, akrylpennor.

  • Nymånens skära

    Målad på linneduk med jordpigment, akryl, oljepastell, guldpulver, kol, akrylpennor.

  • Jordpigment

    Pigment som använts är:
    Ockrasten från Borgafjäll, röd sten hittad vid Umeälven, tegel, kalk, grå sten från Nordmaling, aska, kol samt grönjord och gulockra från Nederländerna.

  • Handmade pigments

  • Acrylic, oil pastel, gold powder

  • Coal from Borgafjäll

Earth's stories

Earth's stories is a collection from 2023 that includes seven original paintings as well as four different motifs on art prints.

The collection has been created from late spring to late autumn in the year 2023. It is the first collection to be released where all the paintings contain large parts of earth pigments mainly from stones that I myself have picked in places around where I live, by roadsides, beach and forest walks, by buildings, streams and during my last trip to Borgafjäll. The paintings also contain elements of acrylic paints, gold details, charcoal, ash and oil pastel lines.

Read more about the collection here


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Paintings of natural pigments

I pick stones, earth, clay, charcoal and ash to create my own pigments for my paintings.

I work the stones with hammer, mortar and sieve the powder until it is fine enough to use as pigment for paint. I then add a binder and the millions of old stones are given new life as color in my art.

See paintings here!

"Earth pigments are not lifeless rocks. They are constantly circulating, they are mysterious metamorphic agents of art made by complex ecologies, biomes, volcanoes, extinct creatures, fault lines, sea-floors, swamps, deserts, fertile soils, and dead people and their living waste." - Heidi Gustafson

My art depicts nature in both the big and the small; as in natural structures shaped by the seas, the colors of the sky and vast landscapes.

"My hope is that the viewer of my art will feel safe and calm, almost like a kind of healing power"

I take customer orders

Do you want to order a painting based on your own wishes? Do not hesitate to call!


Contact me
  • Follow me on Instagram to take part in upcoming projects, exhibitions, markets, painting tips etc.

Contact me